Become a GEOS Homestay Family homestayfamily First Name * Last Name * Address * Email * Phone Number * Father's Occupation * Mother's Occupation * List of People Living at Home * Host Experience * YesNo Family Interests (check all that apply) Outdoor Sports (skiing, snowboarding, tennis, etc.) Outdoor Activities (hiking, camping, biking, etc.) Watching Movies Playing Games Travelling Dancing Playing Music Shopping Reading Your Family...(check all options that apply) Spends a lot of time together in the evening and on weekends Doesn't spend much time together because of conflicting schedules Eats dinner together 5 nights a week Eats at different times because of different schedules Is active- Always doing something fun Is quiet- Enjoy relaxing, watching TV and talking with one another List any Family Pets * Do you have any conditions for the student? (For example, smoking, alcohol consumption, or gender specifics? * Availability Any time Spring Summer Autum Winter Rooms Available * SelectOne room, one bedOne room, two bedstwo rooms, one bed eachtwo rooms, too beds eachother Why do you want to become a GEOS Homestay Family? * How did you hear about GEOS? * Additional Comments By clicking "Register" you are agreeing to thenk 5358 _blank>GEOS Privacy Policy. Error, no options to show Don't fill this field!