TOEFL Test Preparation

This is a full time program designed to help students prepare for the TOEFL test. Importance is placed on both test taking strategies, as well as the four skills assessed in the official TOEFL examination. There are two TOEFL programs: Introduction to TOEFL is for intermediate level students, while TOEFL Preparation is for advanced level students.

In each program, students study 15 hours of TOEFL preparation per week, and 7.5 hours of an elective class per week.

By the end of the course, we hope that you will be able to:

  • Develop strategies that will help you activate existing language knowledge and connect it with new information.
  • Develop strategies that will help you identify problems related to structure.
  • Develop reading strategies such as skimming and scanning. 
  • Develop listening strategies such as listening for key words, making inferences, and identifying main ideas.
  • Develop critical thinking skills.
  • Become more comfortable with assessing your own progress.
  • Develop test taking strategies that will:Help you to pace yourself while completing different tasks in a test. Develop your decoding skills in understanding what tests are asking
  • Develop strategies that will help you make connections between what you have learned in class and your experiences in the English-speaking academic world.